TOP 10
1. Switzerland
2. Singapore
3. Finland
4. Sweden
5. The Netherlands
6. Germany
7. United States of America
8. United Kingdom
9. Hong Kong SAR
10. Japan
Germany defies the euro crisis - and surpasses in competitiveness, now the United States. The findings of a recent study by the World Economic Forum. Therefore fall back to the USA.
Geneva - The German economy has so far been largely unaffected by the euro crisis. The findings of a recent survey by the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum, WEF). Germany could therefore claim his sixth place on the list of the world's most competitive countries. On the established and published by the WEF rankings, the Federal Republic was for the first time ahead of the U.S.. The United States continued their downward trend and were lower compared to the competitiveness of 144 countries back up two places to seventh.
The debt crisis has widened the gap, according to the WEF in the competitiveness of European economies also continue. While the countries of northern Europe would have defended its strong competitive position since the severe economic crisis of 2008, the countries of southern Europe, they had fallen in the rankings.
In assessing the competitiveness it is however necessary to determine the parameters considered. In recent weeks, other studies of European economies had shown that the economy is in the euro crisis countries once again become competitive. Above all, lower wages and an increase in productivity were the reasons.
Six states of Europe Top Ten
At the WEF rankings, Switzerland defended the fourth year in a row the top spot as the most competitive economy in the world. In second place in the rating of the Asian city-state of Singapore, Finland follows behind in third. After Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany ranks as Europe's largest economy sixth.
By contrast, the countries of southern Europe in the WEF rankings fallen far and partially occupy only rear ranks. The financially troubled euro-heavy country Greece is reported to be found only on the 96th Rank. Even the battered by the debt crisis, euro zone countries Portugal (49th), India (36th) and Italy (rank 42) ranked far down on the list.
WEF sees growing divide "threat to our prosperity"
The founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab sees a serious danger in the growing gap of competitiveness within Europe. It is "the reason for the current turmoil that threaten our future prosperity." He urged governments to take decisive action and long-term measures to boost competitiveness. Only in this way, economic development could be put back on the path towards sustainable growth.
The ranking is based on data on a WEF index, which was developed in 2004. Competitiveness is understood here "as the sum of the factors, policies and institutions that affect the level of production and therefore the standard of living and economic growth of a country."