Friday, May 27, 2011

Scheidung, Philippine Stil

MANILA, Philippinen-A Western-Stil absolute Scheidung zwischen Ehegatten, die beide Filipinos, auch wenn im Ausland erworbenen-ist hier nicht gültig. Obwohl sich die Scheidungsrate ist tabu, können unsere Gerichte dennoch eine Ehe nichtig aufgrund eines schwerwiegenden Mangels bei ihrer Gründung. Der häufigste Fehler verwendet, um eine Ehe nichtig ist "psychologische Unfähigkeit" nach Artikel 36 des Familienrechts. Dieses Gesetz trat am 3. August 1988, aber ihre Auslegung und Anwendung noch entwickeln.

Erste Entscheidung. Ich zitiere das Gesetz: "Eine Eheschließung von einer Partei, die zum Zeitpunkt der Feier, war psychisch behinderten, um mit den wesentlichen ehelichen Pflichten der Ehe erfüllen, ebenfalls unwirksam, selbst wenn diese Unfähigkeit manifestieren sich erst nach seiner solemnization. "

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Die früheste Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs zu diesem Thema (Santos vs Court of Appeals, 4. Januar 1995) entschieden, dass "psychologische Unfähigkeit sollte nicht weniger als eine geistige (nicht physischen) Unfähigkeit ... siehe beschränken (ITS) Bedeutung, die schwerwiegendsten Fälle von Persönlichkeitsstörungen deutlich demonstrativ eine völlige Unempfindlichkeit oder Unfähigkeit, einen Sinn geben und die Bedeutung der Ehe. "Es" muss durch die Schwerkraft, juristische antecedence und Unheilbarkeit charakterisiert werden. "

Dennoch fanden Richter und Anwälte diese Entscheidung schwer, in bestimmten Fällen zutreffen. In Frustration, das Amt des Solicitor General (OSG)-Markenprodukte eine Übertreibung, kein Zweifel-Artikel 36 als die "liberale Scheidung Verfahren in der Welt." So fragte er den Gerichtshof um klare Richtlinien Frage zu ihrer Anwendung zu standardisieren.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Make way! This bull is everywhere

Attracting attention is certainly program. Finally, the conversion a stark counterpoint to the colorful flower power Bullis, otherwise the roll through California (USA). There, the converted Bulli in U.S. car dealer Vehicle Liquidation is for sale.
From VW classic, however, only the left sleeve, which was placed over the chassis of an old tank from the year 1945 (Studebaker Weasel).
With 70 hp to the chain Bulli create even pace 70th Directed however will not having a steering wheel, but with levers and pedals.
A price the seller will not start.

Köhler: "In my experience training in Latin style dances very well the muscles, especially legs and hips. Standard dances are particularly well suited to improve the endurance and to train the upper body. "
For beginners, the standard dances are just as Latin American dances. Popular Latin styles are Jive, Cha Cha Cha and Rumba, the standard ranks among slow waltz and Viennese waltz or tango. What do all the dances: A great attitude

Nightmare slump

Berlin - No day is more like it was not an hour. 5.20 clock at night the burglar a sledgehammer shot through her ​​kitchen window. Brian K. (43) from Cologne ran immediately saw a hand as she gasped for their valuables. She screamed. She screamed, could it aloud. Until it was finally over.

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Has a frightening number of the new crime statistics, the Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) is now presented - 6.6 percent more burglaries in Germany. Already every four minutes penetrates a stranger in German Flats, a stranger standing next to the bed in the bedroom, a brutal robber enters through the basement.

The facts, put the fear in Germany:
Especially the big cities are becoming bastions of unscrupulous burglar. In Saxony, scored the number of crimes since 2009 at 21.2 percent up, almost every other country in the offense was committed in Leipzig. Huge growth in England (plus 16.3 percent), Schleswig-Holstein (+13.7 percent) and Brandenburg (11.7 percent).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Crime Stats crooks rely on the power

Internet crime: an increase of 8 percent

The number of recorded crimes in Germany decreased. But the Internet is not true: there are more rapid growth rates, such as the latest crime statistics show.

The citizens are becoming victims of brazen criminals and highly specialized attributes. While the number of recorded crimes in the classic crime areas back mainly, it rises rapidly in the computer and Internet crime. This is clear from the police crime statistics for the year 2010, the Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) in Berlin presented.

The perpetrators of the virtual world have sophisticated methods - the investigation of crimes in the network is therefore difficult. "I think we get into this area a huge problem with credit card fraud, with all sorts of criminal activities in the network and into the net, "said the minister. "Thus, one is the large and important challenges."

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There is now an extensive trade in the underground, where you can buy several programs to inflict harm on the web. The victims would get often unaware that their computers had been attacked. Companies were afraid to even prior to the advertisement because they are aware their reputation

Criticism: statistics show a distorted image
The total number of all recorded crime in Germany but declined - from around 6.05 million to around 5.9 million. That their number was the first time since the introduction of the all-German statistics under the name of 6 million. The clearance rate rose further in the past year at 56 percent. The highest it was with 65.3 percent in Thuringia. Bayern ranked in second place with a rate of 64.6 percent and in third place with 62.9 percent Lower Saxony. It was the lowest with 46.2 percent in Hamburg.

In a comparison of cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants, has the most crimes per 100,000 residents still in Frankfurt. On the second and third place are as in the year 2009 Hanover and Berlin. In the words of Frederick, metropolitan areas are struggling, especially with youth crime. Overall, the statistics, but also from declining trends. Accordingly, the number of young people between the ages of 14 suspects back to under 18 by 6.9 percent to around 231 500.

The computer crime rose by more than 12 percent to around 84 400 cases. The strong increase is due to the fact that has been monitoring more frequently than in 2009 and captured data. But here there was an increase of more than 32 percent to around 15,200 cases.

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In contrast, there are many traditional criminal activities. The number of violent crimes declined by 3.5 percent to some 201 200th Overall, there were 2218 cases of murder or manslaughter have been attributed to - the 59 cases less than in 2009.

According to the police union (GdP) records the statistics, however, a distorted picture of the crime threat. "It has proven a long time that this statistic does not reflect the appropriate sense of security and safety events in their entirety," GdP chief Bernhard Witt said skin in SWR. "These statistics may well be manipulated so that the outside all doing well." For example, there were attempts to detect an enlightened burglary three times, by being counted as separate offenses trespass and criminal damage to it. In fact, handle it only by an enlightened act, said Witt skin.

"The decline of the total number of crimes and higher education quotas to look for in fact taken place crime in which people are increasingly the victims of deceptive," also challenges the federal president of the Federation of German Detectives, Klaus Jansen, the supposedly "good numbers."

Huntsman New Hampshire election test the water temperature

U.S. ambassador to China, just unload the Huntsman (R) 19 night snack bar in the New Hampshire Republican voters and talk about national issues. (Associated Press)
Huntsman, former U.S. ambassador to Beijing (Jon Huntsman) 19 at the American presidential election skirmish of the Holy Land - New Hampshire, said the key to the presidential election in 2012 in the "economic competitiveness" (economic competitiveness).

He said that the election to talk about the "face of the 21st century, the United States Ready?" "We choose to be a lost decade, or you can select another industrial revolution."

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Ambassador to China has just resigned from office, Huntsman plans to spend five days in the New Hampshire Republican voters to visit 11 cities and towns. His spokesman Miller (Tim Miller), said Huntsman voters will introduce their political philosophy, and past governor of administrative experience, he will talk about the grocery store in the snack bar the importance of national financial management, but also to talk about how to create job opportunities . Jon Huntsman as governor in the Ambassador role, has a wealth of business experience, he was responsible for the charge of billions of dollars in the family business.

Huntsman's trip seems to run the Republican presidential nomination for his primary political temperature test, but also to the political arena on this trip closely to see whether he will run. Obama for re-election campaign team sent out the signal stop, saying Obama is the true rival Huntsman.

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Huntsman to reach the first leg of New Hampshire Hanover (Hanover) is a snack bar, ready and kind face to face contact with Republican voters. The results arrived at the scene of the various media the number of television reporter even more than voters, the media want to know leave politics for two years, the former Utah governor, Republican voters in the first meeting, the first thing to say anything.

He said the U.S. must play a fantastic idea, so creative people really re-launch an industrial revolution. He said the United States had launched a two industrial revolution, and now, "we have the ability to build a team to truly understand where the team of national economic power, and then create an industrial revolution."

But Huntsman also has weaknesses. Republicans accept the Democratic presidential Barack Obama, he commands as Ambassador to China two years to become the Republican voters is difficult to understand the past, a large primary threshold. He asked about this the evening of 19 in the snack bar, he argued, "I do called as Ambassador, I as president effective, effective when the president asked me, I did not hesitate." However, he said, and now carefully assess whether or not to participate in the Republican presidential nomination primaries.

When he ended the dialogue with the voters, the look of pleasure that today happens to be also his daughter, Yang, Chinese happy (Grace Mei)'s 12th birthday.

Körper erholte sich von Air France Flugzeugwrack

Suche Team holte einen Körper aus dem Wrack des Airbus der Air France, die in den Atlantik im Jahr 2009 abgestürzt, sagte der Französisch Innenministerium.
Der Körper war noch zu einem Sitz befestigt und "erschien abgebaut", das Ministerium hat in einer schriftlichen Erklärung.

"Die Versuche, um das Leichen wurden in besonders komplexen Bedingungen. Erhebliche Unsicherheiten bleiben in Bezug auf die technische Machbarkeit der Rückgewinnung der Körper", die Französisch Ministerium Erklärung.

DNA-Proben aus den Resten - aus einer Tiefe von 3900 Meter (12.700 Fuß) wieder - in ein Labor zur Analyse geschickt werden, hat die Erklärung ab.

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Donnerstag Ankündigung kam Tage nach dem Flugschreiber befanden.

Alle 228 Menschen an Bord des Airbus A330 Flug 447 von Rio de Janeiro nach Paris wurden am 1. Juni 2009 getötet. Bisher waren 50 Stellen auf der Oberfläche nach dem Absturz geborgen worden.
Doch einige Angehörige der Verstorbenen haben Vorbehalte bezüglich bleibt auf die Oberfläche gebracht.

Im vergangenen Monat Robert Soulas, Leiter einer Selbsthilfegruppe für Familien von Flucht Opfer, sagte: "Für mich persönlich möchte ich die Leichen meiner Kinder, meine zwei Kinder zu verlassen, auf dem Meeresgrund."

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Andere Verwandte haben gefordert, die Stellen, die zurückgefordert werden.

Der Airbus A330-Piloten verloren den Kontakt mit Fluglotsen während des Fluges auf einer Fläche des Atlantischen Ozeans für konstante Banden von schweren Turbulenzen bekannt, sagten Beamte. Aber genau das, was verursacht das Flugzeug ins Meer stürzen hat, bleibt ein Rätsel.

Frankreichs Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA) sagte am Donnerstag, dass die externen Gehäusen der beiden Flugschreiber - die Daten aufzeichnen und Cockpit Stimmen - in gutem Zustand waren und dass sie eine "Trocknen"-Prozess gestartet.

Es würde ein paar Tage für die Einheiten, um zu trocknen nehmen und dann etwa eine Woche oder zwei, bevor sie könnte feststellen, ob beide noch arbeiteten, sagte der BEA.

Martine Del Bono, eine Sprecherin der in Paris ansässige BEA sagte, auch wenn es einige interne Beschädigung der Blockflöten, einige Daten möglicherweise noch wiederherstellbar sein.
"Wir müssen sehr sehr vorsichtig ... wir sind zuversichtlich, aber es wird einige Zeit dauern für uns zu wissen, ob wir alle Daten abgerufen werden. "

Phil Seymour, Chief Operating Officer des International Bureau of Aviation, ein britischer Luftfahrt Beratung, sagte:. "Ich bleibe skeptisch, wie sinnvoll dieses Gerät (Memory Unit) werden Sie mit einem Computer ins Meer zu werfen, waren sich vorstellen, wie alle die Teile würde schließlich geteilt. Sie haben auch die ätzende Wirkungen des Meerwassers und der immensen Tiefen beteiligt. "

Thursday, May 19, 2011

philippine status on banking sectors

Banking Sectors in the Philippines visibly see the economic rebound since Noynoy Aquino won in Presidential bid, workforce started to gain, employeers started to boom. But current status of Philippine is unclear for the people because of oil cost worldwide is increasing.

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Philippine Economy is also affected with Japanese Tsunami because WHEN THE world’s third largest economy suffers then all company related to that coutry suffers. While the full extent of the casualties and the damage have yet to be known, analysts are beginning to assess the likely impacts of the catastrophe on the Japanese economy where can be ver worst since export of japan heavily drops, and the rest of the world economy in turn, europe is turning up because of exports. One would expect that the effects on the Philippines would be significant. Japan, after all, occupies a dominant position in the whole range of international external economic relations, spanning trade, investments, labor migration and foreign assistance, import/export process and more.

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Spousal violence in Japan constitutes a serious violation of human rights, as well as being a crime continue after the tsunami as life in japan started to be more harder than before, japanese woman could do a divorce in germany if they are married with german by applying online as long as they have authentic documents that could support the divorce process.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ZA-South Africa Current Economic Status

Economic data shows that Business confidence as measured by the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) climbed to its highest level since September 2008, climbing to 88.3 in March from 86.4 in February. The index is 5.1 index points higher than it was in March 2010 cause of european crisis. Of the 13 sub-indices making up the headline index, 6 of these contributed to the m/m uptick in the BCI, with continued strong growth in retail sales, benign core inflation, increases in real private sector borrowing and strong precious metals prices the key drivers. The small uptick in the number of building plans passed also was encouraging and had a positive impact on the March print. Although it is too early to tell, it could suggest a turning point for the construction sector, which continues to lag the recovery observed in other facets of the economy. Standard Bank of South Africa is one of the best bank of south africa and it shows economic data with some Components of the BCI that subtracted from the headline figure were a higher number of company liquidations, a lower import and export readings and lower domestic equity market valuations in the month, its it start booming again. Although piece by piece but that shows a turning back.

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Rank 2010

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Company name



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1 1 STANDARD BANK GROUP SOUTH AFRICA 180 631 836 4 222 023 97 257 665 103 615 641
2 2 STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA 112 873 326 2 898 630 70 874 874 70 110 040
3 3 ABSA GROUP SOUTH AFRICA 96 765 707 2 946 356 67 899 397 47 289 059
4 5 NEDBANK GROUP SOUTH AFRICA 76 942 178 2 198 375 60 709 581 63 278 441
5 4 FIRSTRAND BANKING GROUP SOUTH AFRICA 76 152 673 1 608 133 51 897 341 57 627 596
6 6 NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT (NBE)* EGYPT 40 130 192 1 974 389 13 368 222 31 002 416
7 8 ATTIJARIWAFA BANK MOROCCO 36 435 673 1 663 391 22 461 787 24 433 648
8 7 BANQUE EXTERIEURE D'ALGERIE ALGERIA 30 023 000 542 000 13 273 000 22 713 000
9 10 GUMHOURIA BANK LIBYA 26 113 980 518 694 10 221 956 2 534 480
10 9 CREDIT POPULAIRE DU MAROC MOROCCO 26 102 296 1 124 767 16 497 794 20 252 706
11 11 BANQUE MAROC. DU COMMERCE EXT. (BMCE) MOROCCO 15 867 255 466 049 8 212 092 12 085 369
12 16 UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA NIGERIA 15 488 160 842 730 4 218 8 495
13 13 FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA NIGERIA 14 250 590 630 790 7 074 645 8 784 772
14 14 LIBYAN FOREIGN BANK* LIBYA 12 975 241 144 797 1 579 569 11 205 259
15 17 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK EGYPT 11 638 712 630 328 4 971 587 9 900 150
16 18 CAISSE NAT. D'EPARGNE ET DE PREVOYANCE ALGERIA 11 011 529 95 913 3 969 031 9 922 676
17 12 ZENITH INTERNATIONAL BANK NIGERIA 10 887 652 718 897 4 581 019 7 700 896
18 19 CREDIT POPULAIRE D'ALGERIE ALGERIA 10 469 305 - 3 597 718 7 322 238
19 23 NATIONAL SOCIETE GENERALE BANK EGYPT 9 606 774 489 366 5 066 406 7 919 495
20 22 ECOBANK TRANSNATIONAL INC. TOGO 9 006 523 873 318 4 766 197 6 472 459
21 27 ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK EGYPT 8 285 542 180 032 3 913 748 5 823 262
22 28 BANCO AFRICANO DE INVESTIMENTOS ANGOLA 8 277 016 227 187 3 043 929 6 627 990
23 26 SOCIETE GENERALE MAROCAINE DE BANQUES MOROCCO 8 127 109 360 156 7 253 322 6 713 715
24 40 IMPERIAL BANK SOUTH AFRICA 7 504 034 274 098 6 801 773 6 752 730
25 29 BANQUE MAROC. POUR LE COMM. ET L'IND. MOROCCO 7 231 249 302 804 4 878 712 5 118 592
26 30 BANQUE DU CAIRE EGYPT 7 180 277 197 464 1 572 106 6 399 296
27 31 GUARANTY TRUST BANK NIGERIA 7 072 845 187 636 3 769 288 4 375 007
28 55 WAHDA BANK LIBYA 6 170 243 133 833 1 286 087 5 626 828
30 35 HSBC BANK EGYPT* EGYPT 6 075 952 327 855 - -
31 34 BANCO DE FOMENTO DE ANGOLA ANGOLA 6 014 723 470 966 1 834 967 5 000 629
32 21 OCEANIC BANK INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA NIGERIA 5 911 147 - 2 544 032 3 652 487
33 37 BANK OF ALEXANDRIA EGYPT 5 821 682 200 277 2 924 143 4 545 433
34 43 CREDIT DU MAROC MOROCCO 5 244 946 219 397 4 042 344 3 852 337
35 39 PRINCIPAL BANK FOR DEV. AND AGR. CREDIT EGYPT 5 162 905 63 977 2 618 216 4 289 374
36 48 FAISAL ISLAMIC BANK OF EGYPT EGYPT 5 012 869 148 043 3 232 374 4 611 644
37 41 COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA 4 930 842 72 848 1 591 816 3 744 215
38 32 HSBC MAURITIUS MAURITIUS 4 855 500 98 436 2 458 952 4 000 745
39 61 AFRICAN BANK SOUTH AFRICA 4 618 798 1 558 519 2 761 923 -
40 50 BANQUE INTERNATIONALE ARABE DE TUNISIE TUNISIA 4 603 664 196 133 2 627 455 3 961 794
41 36 ACCESS BANK NIGERIA NIGERIA 4 550 973 237 643 2 517 585 2 899 994
42 45 BANCO BIC* ANGOLA 4 531 226 308 886 1 679 286 2 785 761
43 47 SOCIETE TUNISIENNE DE BANQUE TUNISIA 4 429 164 182 307 3 577 896 3 205 194
44 46 ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK* EGYPT 4 367 879 12 000 1 016 000 3 840 000
45 49 BANQUE NATIONALE AGRICOLE (BNA) TUNISIA 4 213 837 180 161 3 251 112 3 336 903
46 52 THE MAURITIUS COMMERCIAL BANK MAURITIUS 4 185 000 229 000 2 755 000 3 429 000
47 38 SKYE BANK NIGERIA 4 149 272 522 019 2 077 316 2 953 227
48 44 DIAMOND BANK NIGERIA 3 964 614 162 241 1 945 288 2 945 573
49 53 CREDIT AGRICOLE EGYPT* EGYPT 3 933 745 - - -
50 57 BANQUE DE L'HABITAT DE TUNISIE TUNISIA 3 867 998 139 017 2 706 683 2 428 866

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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To increase the performance, images must be compressed, if possible use jpg or compressed png as it includes the loading weight of the page, 3 things also must be consiered on develoment, less javascript is also important, because some javescript weight a lot.

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The Applicant agrees to pay all commissions, fees, charges or expenses related to the transfer of money at the rate specified the Bank(selling/buying foreign exchange services). However, all commissions, fees, charges or expenses incurred outside Thailand shall be borne by the beneficiary/receiver.

Monday, May 16, 2011

British Citizten Died, Singapore News Edition

A British Citizen banker died after plunging nearly 28 meters High from a hotel rooftop in the new waterfront Marina Bay business district, Singapore.

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Police stated to AFP identified the deceased as a British Citizen and an investigation into the "unnatural death" on Thursday evening was ongoing. Many things will be considered about his death, maybe related to work being pushed fron the top or any other issues related with him.

William Hart, a 37-year-old British man working as a sales for the Bank of China International, city head.

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It said Hart was at the hotel's bar located in seventh floor when he was believed to have breached a metal railing and glass barrier before falling into the waters, hotel swimming fall, the fall maybe caused of high blod or being pushed down by someoneelse

An employee with the Fullerton Bay Hotel confirmed Thursday's incident but declined to give further details, as it is stated uncleared fall on that building.
The Family Court is a division of the District Court. It was established under the Family Courts Act 1980 as a place where New Zealanders could get help with family problems, where it proceeds mostly to separation or divorce, where it causes problems to most children.

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The Family Court aims, wherever possible, to help people sort out their own problems by way of counselling, conciliation and mediation. As you visit the rest of our website you will find more detail about what the Family Court actually does and what you can expect if you are coming to Court

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Many were happy after marriage, though 75% can't survive on love trials.

Im not saying that dismantling one's marriage will automatically bring happiness, specially if you have children, broken family is not that great for the children; it's the idealization of marriage that needs to be shredded and both found someoneelse is very bad for the children, husbands does more error compared to woman, but mostly are young age people does. Marriage this time is no longer a a lifetime for many couples, its just a temporary happiness, most of same sex marriage has more problems pertaining to live forever and overpass all the trials.

Most of broken families based on statistics are those who dont care about their child, most of them are selfish people. They do consider of getting divorce than taking care their children, some wants a divorce to get married with someoneelse, but to think it deeply, its like a mathematical formula that seems not that reliable formula, and comsidered to be dangerous.

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Climate Report, the Meteorology, Max Planck Institute, located in Hamburg has presented its most recent assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) where it is currently obvious. According to its simulations, global warming is worse than once believed, its been like cold and warm, different climate per day, which is no longer predictable. It's an alarming announcement, considering how drastic earlier predictions were.

"Our most recent results are more solid than before but still cant guarantee since result differs from each country," said Jochem Marotze, the institute's director. "We are convinced that they are dependable."

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Germany may be an eco-friendly place, but support for the environment does come at a price -- a fact that some organizations are trying to disprove. But environmental groups themselves aren't so sure. (Aug. 4, 2005).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Das 4-Sterne-Superior-Hotel bietet geräumige Zimmer und Suiten mit kostenfreiem WLAN und kostenfreien Parkplätzen. Mehr…
Radisson Blu Media Harbour Hotel, Düsseldorf
Hammer Strasse 23, Friedrichstadt, Düsseldorf Karte anzeigen
Ergebnis aus 114 Bewertungen: Sehr gut, 8.5
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Im attraktiven Düsseldorfer Stadtteil MediaHafen erwartet Sie dieses 4-Sterne-Design-Hotel mit Blick auf den Rhein. Mehr…
Hyatt Regency Düsseldorf
Speditionstraße 19, Friedrichstadt, Düsseldorf Karte anzeigen
Ergebnis aus 27 Bewertungen: Fabelhaft, 8.6
Letzte Buchung: gestern
Direkt am Rhein empfängt Sie das 5-Sterne-Hotel Hyatt im Herzen des beliebten Düsseldorfer Viertels MedienHafen. Mehr…
Steigenberger Parkhotel Düsseldorf
Königsallee 1a, Altstadt, Düsseldorf Karte anzeigen
Ergebnis aus 377 Bewertungen: Sehr gut, 8.5
Letzte Buchung: gestern
Dieses klassische 5-Sterne-Hotel an der eleganten Einkaufsstraße Königsallee in Düsseldorf bietet ein Gourmetrestaurant, einen modernen Wellnessbereich und eine Sommerterrasse mit herrlicher Aussicht. Mehr…

Monday, May 9, 2011

Money Changer Directory – Singapore 2011

1. Philippine National Bank (PNB - Deposit, foreign exchange and Money Market) Manila restituted University of the Philippines Diliman(UP-Diliman) the full amount involved on the same day that their time deposit(Annual Deposit with hith Interest rate depending on bank invorlve, could change in anytime) matured in March 2007. Hence, the statement “UP has so far been unable to recover the money” is not factual.

2. Sometime in 2007 and 2008, PNB filed separate charges(in the court) of estafa and qualified theft before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Meto Manila against two of its former employees at the UP Diliman Branch who were involved in the case.

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Oil prices (Market Data) plunged more than 8% Thursday as weak economic data and a weak US dollar drove crude to its biggest one-day drop since years.

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Closely-watched economic numbers coming out this week include April retail sales, producer and consumer inflation figures and the first reading on May consumer confidence.
Investors will also keep an eye on the weekly initial jobless benefits report, particularly since last week's claims number jumped by 43,000, considerably worse than what economists had predicted. The claims figure helped fuel a 140 point drop in the Dow on Thursday.

"We have to see if last week's number was an abnormality," said Curvin Miller, vice president of wealth advisory firm Russell & Company.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Über 850 über 100.000 Besucher, und die Sonne spielte auch mit: Der Japan-Tag in Düsseldorf am Samstag (13.06.2009) war wieder einmal ein voller Erfolg. Bereits zum achten Mal boten Musiker, Tänzer, Kampfsportler und nicht zuletzt Koch-Künstler dem Publikum Einblicke in die fernöstliche Kultur.

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Dass die Veranstaltung alljährlich in der nordrhein-westfälischen Landeshauptstadt stattfindet, ist natürlich kein Zufall: Düsseldorf ist hinter Paris und London die drittgrößte "Nippon-Kolonie" in Europa; hier leben und arbeiten über 6400 Japaner - darunter auch diese Herren des "Japanischen Männerchores Düsseldorf", die auf einer der Bühnen ein "Froschlied" zum Besten geben.


So oder ähnlich könnte ein Gespräch über die anstehende Scheidung beginnen. Aber wie geht das eigentlich, sich scheiden lassen? Was muss man tun, wenn man den Entschluß einer Ehescheidung gefasst hat? Mit welchen Folgen muss man rechnen? Unser Portal hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Betroffenen eine erste Orientierung zu geben.

Dusseldorf is often overlooked in favor of its more popular sister Cologne, but this elegant, modern city on the eastern bank of the Rhine River has risen steadily to defy its origins as the dorf (village) at the mouth of the river Dussel, a tributary of the Rhine.

The heart and capital of the North Rhine-Westphalia region as well as the German advertisement and fashion industry, Dusseldorf has risen to become an important international business and financial hub.

But it also has a contemporary arts and culture scene that has solidly placed the city on the map. Its art museums, world-class architecture and a thriving design scene continue to attract visitors from around the world.

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Philippine National Bank, Advanced Payment Solutions was established in early 2004 to become the pre-eminent leader of general purpose international prepaid cards and worldwide payment solutions in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe and in USA, canada and Australia.

Pnb Philippines senior management team and board of directors have unparalleled experience in the prepaid and payment industries, and international banking, bringing together experience from Barclaycard, VISA, Bank of America, Netspend, Western Union, Diners Club and Citibank.

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The company, backed by leading US private equity and venture capital firm Trident Capital, aims to lead UK prepay market growth to emulate the success of prepaid payment cards in the US where prepaid cards now make up a trillion dollar market.

APS' first prepaid payment card, the Cashplus prepaid MasterCard, launched in September 2005, is the UK's first general purpose prepaid chip and PIN payment card. Cardholders can top-up their prepaid MasterCard card at over 20,000 outlets throughout the UK. Alongside developing its Cashplus product portfolio, APS provides a suite of services for businesses wanting to offer branded prepaid products to their customers.

APS’ wholly-owned subsidiary, APS Financial Ltd, is authorised by the FSA as an e-Money issuer and is a Principal Member of MasterCard.