Thursday, June 16, 2011

India: the untouchables want to power

Die traditionellen Parteien haben den Aufstieg dieser neuen indischen Politikerin nicht gerade mit Jubel aufgenommen: Schon zum dritten Mal hintereinander ist Kumari Mayawati an die Spitze des grössten Bundesstaates Uttar Pradesch gewählt worden. Ihr Wahlsieg gleicht umso mehr einem Erdbeben, als dass die Politikerin aus der niedrigsten Kaste, den Dalit, den sogenannten Unberührbaren, stammt.

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Their voting potential is huge: 40 million Dalits live alone in the state. And its program with promises to the poorest of the poor - it attracts. Even the wave of enthusiasm spills over to other states. The queen of the untouchables would like to conquer the whole country. And it serves as a kind of laboratory for Uttar Pradesh, a social policy that will lead out the situation of the Dalits in their outcast-being. First step: see to it that the proposed rates are observed in schools and in administration.

The rise of Kumari Mayawati is now constitute a powerful symbol of the caste system still dominated Indian society. Within a few years she became a multimillionaire by now and already ranked in the Forbes ranking list of the world's most powerful people ... Their critics, however they see as the calculating, authoritarian, ineffective and corrupt woman.

Anyway - she is preparing for larger: A Dalit, an untouchable at the top of the state - that would be a huge icon. A sign that finally the outcasts may well emerge from the shadows of society.

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