Thursday, September 22, 2011

Appeals, philosophy, and a surprising praise

The pope has held its much-anticipated speech in the Bundestag. At the outset, he stressed. "The invitation to this question applies to me as Pope, as Bishop of Rome so you recognize the role that the Holy See plays as a partner within the community of nations and states." Previously it was long argued over whether the Pope as head of state or church leader speaks in the Bundestag. In the latter case, critics saw the separation of church and state violation.

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In his sometimes quite philosophical 20-minute speech, Benedict XVI. the responsibility of every politician for justice and peace. "His last scale, and not the reason for his success as a politician and certainly not material gain," he told the MPs. The policy must always be "his efforts to bring about justice and thus create the prerequisite for peace" that. The success is the scale of justice and the will to subordinate legislation.


Man can destroy the world


In the following tribute to Benedict XVI. The environmental movement and warned of a science without ethics, "A positivist concept of nature that nature is understood purely functional, like science, they recognize, can not establish a bridge to ethics and law."

He was not right on the bioethical debates about stem cell research and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, but stressed: "... Man can destroy the world he can manipulate himself he can make people speak and exclude people from being human" Politicians and scientists are therefore particularly challenged to consider their decisions morally.

Ströbele leaves Plenary

Especially when the deputies of the Left Party were many empty seats. In the ranks of the SPD and Greens were busy but relatively close. The Greens MP Hans-Christian Ströbele left after the first few sentences of Pope Benedict XVI. the Chamber. Of the CDU and FDP were present with the exception of some faction members who were absent excused all members.

Prior to the MPs the pope had received with much applause. Bundestag President Lammert brought in a speech to the German desire for greater ecumenical expression. "Many feel the schism as a nuisance." There are "honest reasonable doubt" whether the differences between the confessions justify maintaining the separation between the churches, said Lammert.

In the early evening, a Holy Mass began at Berlin's Olympic Stadium. About 70,000 faithful cheered Pope Benedict XVI. the prelude to. From his popemobile from the pontiff waved to the enthusiastic visitors. Even President Christian Wulff, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Vice Chancellor Philipp Rösler (FDP) and many cabinet members came to the pope-worship. The fair will be transmitted live worldwide.

Third visit to Germany

Benedict XVI was in the morning. arrived for his third visit to Germany. His plane landed the Italian airline Alitalia at 10:16 clock - and therefore a quarter of an hour earlier than planned - at the airport Berlin-Tegel. There he was greeted by Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff.

Who welcomed his guest and then to Schloss Bellevue. After playing the national anthem and a military guard greeted by the battalion of the Bundeswehr, the President directed more than 1,000 invited guests in the park, the words of the Pope. "Welcome home, Holy Father."

Wulff stressed that church is not a parallel society, live in the midst of society. Imagine therefore also always the question: "How is it compassionate to the quarries in the life stories of people with how the fractures in their own history and the misconduct of public officials?" He was referring to the abuse scandal divorced in the Catholic Church and to the situation of married again, which concerns him personally.

Pope laments apathy towards religion

Benedict XVI. raised in his first address out to the religious character of the journey: he is "not primarily come here, as do other statesmen to follow certain political or economic goals, but to address the people and talk to them about God ".

The head of the Catholic Church complained about a growing indifference towards religion. "But we need for our life together a mandatory basis, otherwise everyone lives only his individualism," he warned. "As the religion of freedom requires such treatment, the freedom of religion," he quoted the social reformer Wilhelm von Ketteler, adding that freedom need to link back to a higher authority: "The fact that there are values ​​that are manipulated by anything or anyone , is the true guarantee of our freedom. "

Meeting with Merkel

After the reception at Schloss Bellevue, the Pope came together to exchange views with Chancellor Merkel. At the headquarters of the German Bishops' Conference in Berlin, she spoke about Europe and the international crisis in financial markets. The Chancellor stressed then, they've made it very clear that European integration was essential for the Germans. It meant prosperity, democracy and freedom.


I'm happy to Germany


During his four-day visit under the slogan "Where God is, there is the future," the pontiff has to follow a tight schedule. Approximately 30 program points, 17 speeches and five major religious services in three bishoprics on the program.

"I'm happy to Germany," the Pope said on the flight to Berlin for traveling journalists. "I was born in Germany, the root can not and should not be cut off." The announced protests against his visit, he looks relaxed: "That's normal in a free society." By contrast there is nothing to say, as long as it remained peaceful.

First of silent protest, meanwhile, formed at the Brandenburg Gate: Nearly 100 former children in care and abuse victims demonstrated against the Pope's visit. A giant figure made of nuns wore cardboard in one hand a cross, the other a stick. In the figure was "never again". The demonstrators were shown in black T-shirts.

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