Thursday, August 23, 2012

European Crisis - "We will find a solution"

An extension of time for the Greek reforms is the focus of today's meeting between Angela Merkel and French President Hollande. For Merkel, it covers the whole of Europe. Anyone hoping for a quick fix, got to hear from her a clear message.

The stakes are clear: Greece calls for his reforms more time by the European Union. But the federal government is against it. So now the French president Francois Hollande arrives in Berlin and could convey. He is regarded as a moderate on this issue.

If France and Germany are in agreement once, usually moves to the rest of Europe, as government spokesman Steffen Seibert was to understand the question of the importance of the meeting. "The need for coordination between a French president and the German chancellor is always great," he said. "This is due to the role of our two countries in the European Union. This second half of 2012 are up important issues. Greece is one of them."

More time means more money for Greece
Finance Minister Schäuble expects higher demand for credit, if Greece would get more time for his reforms.
More time for Greece - which means, according to Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble may yet more money would have to borrow the Europeans Athens. For the coalition partner, the FDP, it is a question of credibility. Merkel and linked to the Greece question even a basic course for Europe. "This is not just about economic issues, but it is about deeply political issues, and thus the future of Europe as a whole," she said. "That is the spirit in which I go into talks with the French president."

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What this could mean for Greece, Merkel also said. "We know that we have just in the area of ​​the single currency does not eliminate the early mistakes that were made at the launch of the euro," she explained. "So I'm going in with the knowledge that we have to create it, that each partner delivers on its commitments. Course, this is also the theme when we talk about Greece."

Dispute also to euro bonds and stimulus

More leniency or harshness toward Greece - that is not the only point of friction between Germany and France. While the Chancellor thinks especially fiscal consolidation, the French president wants to stimulate the economy with new spending. And while the rest of Europe would like to introduce common bonds, so-called euro bonds, the Chancellor defends tooth and nail against it.

Decisions are not expected in the short meeting with Hollande. Certainly not in relation to Greece. Especially the day after Merkel receives the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. The statements at the press conference would be "but from what has been said in the past, do not differ," Merkel announced. "We will not find a solution, but we are waiting for the report of the troika." But which is submitted in September. In this respect, the meeting with Hollande and Samaras are only the prelude to a hot autumn.

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