Thursday, October 11, 2012

worldwide gym - October 11, 2012 - Fitness Studio, Burnouts & Sleep Problems

Recreational athletes are relational dyslexic. Will the partner be romantic, thinks the athlete in his training. For miracle runner Achim Achilles togetherness works only if the tough schedule governs. Time manager of her own feelings

As a child she was fat, sport was pure punishment for them. Today Hera Lind comes without their daily fitness unit any longer. In an interview with reveals the author as they defeated their baser instincts – and why it pays to start the morning with brushing and training. Sportswoman of the equipment training: I was hanging like a wet sack on the devices | ich bin arzt | dyskalkulie

To live his dream, is healthy, says Mr. Marcus. The street artist explains in an interview with why juggling protects against burnout, as he sought liberty and security was - and what he has in common with a porn star. I never came close to a burnout

Night shift workers and frequent flyers may have an increased risk of diabetes. The reason: lack of sleep prevails, the body uses fewer calories at rest than usual. The pancreas switches down a gear. Lack of sleep can make you fat and diabetic

China brüskiert Finanzielle Meetings in Japan im Streit um Inseln
Cina snobba incontri finanziari in Giappone nel disputa Isole

The result casts doubt on the naive consumer tablets: Who occupies only every three weeks, sleeping pills, has an increased risk of developing cancer and dying sooner. This is shown by comparing tens of thousands of people. Life expectancy: sleeping pills increase risk of cancer

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

worldwide center October 9, 2012 - Germany, Europe, IMF, Worldbank

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given the euro crisis lowered its growth forecast for Germany clearly: instead of 1.4, the IMF estimates for 2013, with only 0.9 percent growth in the economy. Were mainly to blame the debt crisis of the euro area countries and the political uncertainties in the EU. IMF cuts growth forecast for Germany

Also on day one, after the launch of the new ESM permanent rescue mechanism, the European policy is still in crisis intervention mode. To the credit of the debtor countries, it is still not the best. Funds for Portugal, Greece ultimatum 

General Assembly of the World Bank opened on the 9th of the International Monetary Fund from the finance ministers and central bank governors of the country and the world gather or 188 (= IMF). Held in Japan 48 years. Tokyo – Meeting of the World Bank & IMF

The number of indebted households in the city of São Paulo fell from 1,919,000 in August to 1,846,000 in September, but still exceeds the total found in the same month last year (1.523 million). It indicates that the search of Indebtedness and Consumer Delinquency (PEIC), the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (SP-Fecomercio). Brazilian million households are indebted | dyskalkulieich bin arzt

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its growth forecast for Brazil and throughout Latin America on Monday amid deteriorating global growth and risk of contagion if the euro zone crisis deepens and growth in China slows more than expected. The IMF said it expects that Brazil will grow 1.5% this year from July forecast of 2.5% growth. IMF reduces growth forecast for brazil

Friday, October 5, 2012

worldwide gym - October 5, 2012 - Chocolate, Diabetes, Nutella, Life expectancy, Medicine

For desserts often applies a simple rule of thumb: The more exaggerated the chocolate percentage, the better. Chocolate cake with chocolate pieces with chocolate icing, a dream. What the brown mass so special? Answers to the most important questions regarding the effect of chocolate. Chocolate: Tons of sugar and fat

What helps with diabetes? Decrease, it was long. Now researchers have discovered a really rejuvenating for diabetics: Sports. Thus movement is much more effective than a diet. Exercise helps better than diet

Chocolate makes a lot of will, including columnist Jens Lubbadeh. Particularly wild, he drove it during college days. During the night, away from the eyes of his roommate, he would sneak into the kitchen and indulged in the brown mass. In a very special way. We make free time: The secret Nutella Nights

Many retirees, few young people – even today Germany is a home for the elderly in Europe. Statistically, life expectancy continues to rise considerably. Women live longer than men: Every second is her 85th Birthday experience. Life expectancy in Germany rises to record | ärzte blog 

Those who suffer from side effects of a drug can now even his complaints reported to the appropriate regulatory authorities. With a new web portal to test whether risks discover faster and minimize leave. Drugs: patients may experience side effects

Thursday, October 4, 2012

worldwide center - Portugal increased taxes & German Banks has enough financial capital

The Portuguese government has introduced a new version of her after mass protests austerity program. Is waived his right to vigorously criticized increase in social security contributions. Instead, you want tax increases primarily help meet the requirements of international donors in reducing the national deficit. Portugal increased taxes rather than social security

Europe's banks have in recent months, 200 billion euros in fresh capital anxious to better insure against crises. This was announced by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in London. The financial institutions have therefore strengthened its equity base significantly since the last stress test. German financial houses are new stress test

vintage life trends - October 4, 2012 - Ban Ki-moon, Shia LaBeouf, Paris fashion week 2012, Christopher Walken & Lady Gaga

Hello, we can even talk to the UN Secretary General? Two biscuits joke from Canada with this scam actually Ban Ki-moon on the phone and get him properly kidding. Ban took it with humor - after all, he was inspired by the duo not to be taken for a ride as once Sarah Palin. Ban Ki-moon - A bit string must be

Actor Shia LaBeouf was staying at a party when he heard strange noises and loud bangs. What should he have done then comes an equally heroic: He rescued a sea lion and struck his tormentors to flight. Shia LaBeouf as an animal rescuer - Lionheart

Salma Hayek was there, Jessica Chastain also: In the ready-to-wear week in Paris were selected Stars premieres the collection of a star of the fashion world to see. Even top designers such as Vivienne Westwood and Marc Jacobs were in the audience. Opinions diverged thereafter. Paris fashion week - Well sheltered Premiere

As Abbie Cornish tossed into a dream of lace, movie dog Bonnie sat cuddling by the Osbournes - but the most sought-face at the premiere of "Seven Psychopaths" was the veteran of Christopher Walken. He could thank two film counterparts. T-shirts with likeness - breast free for Christopher Walken

Lady Gaga draws as much attention as usual, the pop star can not be expressed in figures: 30 million Twitter users follow the pop star, nobody has reached this number in front of her. The German celebrities appear in the comparison as a village club. Lady Gaga - Queen of Twitter with over 30 million followers

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fitness/Gym - Food, Electrical Muscle Stimulation and Healthy Lifestyle

More than a thousand children and adolescents suffer over Germany currently on stomach and intestinal problems. Apparently contaminated food triggers are a major supplier for daycare and school lunches from Thuringia. Three of the victims had to be treated in hospital. Hundreds of children sick from school lunches

The belly is gone? Gyms recommend a special method: electrical stimulation training. When electrical impulses flow through the body during exercise, which toughens the muscles very quickly – and save you hours of an alleged training devices. A self-experiment. Electrical Muscle Stimulation: Give the power buffing

Kenyan runner miracle run to dream time, Health Minister Bahr achieved in acceptable time the goal: the marathon in Berlin gave her all the best, only amateur athletes Achim Achilles runs as always against the grain. World leaders meet

For many, a healthy lifestyle seems almost unattainable. It is a simple trick to change people’s behavior, researchers have discovered: instead of appealing to their reason, you have to take advantage of their convenience – and banish about the dessert buffet in the back corner. Subtle incentives to promote healthy lifestyle

A popcorn junkie from the United States receives more than seven million dollars in damages. The 58-year-old had sued a manufacturer of microwave popcorn, because no warnings on the packets were. The artificial butter flavor is said to have damaged the lungs of man. Man with popcorn lung wins million lawsuit

Monday, October 1, 2012

worldwide center news Oct. 1 2012

Not only because of its bond purchases by the European Central Bank has been criticized. Representatives of the European Parliament calling for SPIEGEL information to send finally a woman in the Governing Council. But the heads of state and head of government will not give in – it could lead to a lawsuit. EU Parliamentarians want women to the Governing tip

Also, the government no longer expects a stabilization: The Greek economy will shrink the budget proposal also states that the upcoming year. So far, the European Commission was officially still expecting a much better development. Greek government writes from 2013

After Ireland, Greece and Portugal, the fourth largest economy in the eurozone also risks to not self-financing, as investors continue to doubt its soundness.
Spain could be the fourth country in the European Union after Ireland, Greece and Portugal, to resort to a bailout, following the submission of an austerity budget amid protests and when the pressure of the markets does not seem to loosen. Spain, increasingly weakened, is heading for a European bailout

You cover more businesses, earn and own brands instead of low price and the anticipated purchase of durable As called for a League leader Housewives few years, more and more consumers choose to go walking and more businesses looking for the best prices and discounts. The new habit is just one of the changes in the way consumers buy that incorporated Argentine in recent times, as a way to protect the purchasing power of their wages to the persistent advance of inflation. Argentina – On inflation, there are new habits

Rich and terrified Europeans moving money to Norway – We are talking about large investors. Some of Europe’s richest people 20 years after the banking crisis Nordic banks are now playing a new role: as a safe haven for frightened euro-zone investors, writes the Wall Street Journal in a great article on Tuesday. Rich and terrified Europeans moving money to Norway