Friday, October 5, 2012

worldwide gym - October 5, 2012 - Chocolate, Diabetes, Nutella, Life expectancy, Medicine

For desserts often applies a simple rule of thumb: The more exaggerated the chocolate percentage, the better. Chocolate cake with chocolate pieces with chocolate icing, a dream. What the brown mass so special? Answers to the most important questions regarding the effect of chocolate. Chocolate: Tons of sugar and fat

What helps with diabetes? Decrease, it was long. Now researchers have discovered a really rejuvenating for diabetics: Sports. Thus movement is much more effective than a diet. Exercise helps better than diet

Chocolate makes a lot of will, including columnist Jens Lubbadeh. Particularly wild, he drove it during college days. During the night, away from the eyes of his roommate, he would sneak into the kitchen and indulged in the brown mass. In a very special way. We make free time: The secret Nutella Nights

Many retirees, few young people – even today Germany is a home for the elderly in Europe. Statistically, life expectancy continues to rise considerably. Women live longer than men: Every second is her 85th Birthday experience. Life expectancy in Germany rises to record | ärzte blog 

Those who suffer from side effects of a drug can now even his complaints reported to the appropriate regulatory authorities. With a new web portal to test whether risks discover faster and minimize leave. Drugs: patients may experience side effects

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