Friday, July 29, 2011

SPAIN: The unemployment rate fell only four tenths despite the start of the tourist season

The EPA produces a decrease in the number of 76,500 persons unemployed in the second quarter, leaving the total at 4.8 million. -The figure represents a turnaround, but the improvement fell short of expectations

The strike took its first breath in almost a year, although the result is so warm to certify that a true turnaround. Unemployment fell by 76,500 people in the second quarter, the strongest decrease since the crisis began. With this decline, the unemployment rate remains at 20.89% of the workforce, only four tenths below the record set at the start of the year. These developments allowed more than the dreaded ward barrier of five million unemployed (now 4.8).

Employment has also taken off sheepishly. The second quarter is conducive to economic activity by the start of the tourist season, involved the creation of 151,000 net jobs, according to data from the Labour Force Survey ActivaEncuesta Force (EPA), the most faithful portrait of the labor market in Spain . The figure is almost double the new jobs created in the second quarter of last year and stands at 18.3 million the number of employed.

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Despite these advances quarterly, the figures in both unemployment and employment, continues to be more negative than a year ago. And despite the fact that then the economy began to slow down the path of decline that had accumulated for six consecutive quarters. Several experts had predicted that between January and June there would be the first year of employment generation since the crisis started. This has not happened, which reveals the weak foundation on which sits even the labor market. If forecasts are met by the Government, this change in trend is already occurring in the third quarter, although the data will not be known until late October.

By sector, the services remain the main driver of employment, which increased its number of employees in 220,200. A lot of distance, also created jobs in the industry with 36,900. By contrast, the construction ended the second quarter with 63,700 fewer employed and Agriculture, with 42,000 fewer workers.

As for the quality of jobs created, the new 171,600 employees, 14,800 signed a permanent contract, a meager rise in percentage of 0.13% compared to March but its biggest gain in absolute terms since early 2009. Nevertheless, over the same quarter of 2010, there are 152,000 fewer permanent employees, equivalent to a decrease of 1.31%.

Also, the temporary contract remains the most widespread with 156,800 new workers who have taken this form, 91.3% of the total. For this reason, the temporary employment rate rose to 25.52%, which is 75 / 100 more than in the previous quarter despite a year now marks the start of labor reform, precisely, between his reduce this excessive immediate objectives of the Spanish labor market duality.

What does not vary is the volume of people with part-time work, which remains at 14.14% after posting 21,600 new contracts of this kind between April and June.

Regarding the impact of the crisis in the most disadvantaged, the youth unemployment rate has reached a new record since the last crisis (first quarter of 2004) to exceed 46%. In addition, the number of households with all active members unemployed has dropped in the second quarter at 18,500 up to 1,367,500. In parallel, the number of households in which all assets are held in increased 95,000, to 9,161,100. However, here too the comparison data continues to show negative year as households in which no increases in 59,200 occupied and of those who have occupied all of its assets decreased by 14,400.

The importance of the tourist season is reflected in the analysis by EPA communities, considered the best barometer of the labor market over the registered unemployment data published by the Ministry of Labour. Thus, the major advancement in employment were recorded in the Mediterranean and in the regions where the sun and sand industry has more weight: Baleares (53,500 workers), Catalonia (36,000) and Valencia (22,000). The largest falls, however, observed in Andalusia (24 900) and the Basque Country (9600).

Canary Islands tourist season which starts earlier than the rest, has the highest positive change in employment in the last 12 months with 23,900 more employed. The largest falls occurring in Andalusia (81 300 fewer jobs) and Murcia (24,000).

South America News

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Military plane crashes in Morocco

Discounted in the crash of a military aircraft in southern Morocco have been at least 78 people were killed on Tuesday. Three other occupants of the machine had been rescued injured, told the Moroccan authorities in the afternoon. They had the number of deaths initially given as 30 and spoke of five survivors.
According to a report by official news agency MAP, the transport aircraft of the type C-130 Hercules crashed while landing at the military airport Guelmim against a mountain. Guelmim lies in the south of the border to the territory claimed by Morocco, Western Sahara, in which the machine was started.

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How many passengers were on board, was not said in the MAP message. There was at first only dozens of the dead speak. In two independent Moroccan news portals, it was said that altogether 70 people were on board, which would not have survived the crash at least 20.

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Ich betrachte Scheidung jeden Tag. Es zerrt an meinem Ärmel jeden Morgen, als mein Mann, grüßt Will mich in seinem Häcksler, selbstgefällig Morgen-Person-Stimme, denn nach 16 Jahren aufgewacht zusammen, er hat immer noch nicht ganz aus, dass ich nicht lebensfähig vor 10 a.m.
Es stellt zwei Hände auf meine Stirn und gnadenlos drückt, als er platzt die genaue falsche Sache ("Sind Sie aufgeregt für Ihre Überraschungsparty am nächsten Dienstag?"), Wenn er lügt, um den Kampf zu vermeiden ("Was meinst du damit ich verließ unsere Wohnung ? Tür offen Ich wusste nicht einmal unsere Wohnung hatte eine Tür ");!, wenn er Knöpfe seines Hemdes und Jacke in die falsche Knopflöcher, Kragen und Nähte wie ein vertikaler Dominospiel unaligned, möglicherweise mit einem Fetzen shirttail Reißverschluss in seinen fliegen.

Es schnippt mir, hart, direkt unter dem Auge, wenn während einer Eltern-Lehrer-Konferenz, er seinen Arm hoch in die Luft wirft, Kratzer Achselhöhle, und dann - dann! - Abwesend riecht seinen Fingern.

Es prallte gegen mich wie ein 4.000-Pfund-Volvo-Kombi an einem Frühlingsabend vor vier Jahren, obwohl ich mich daran erinnere, als wäre es im letzten Jahr waren.

Er hatte mich abgesetzt vor einem Restaurant, vor der Suche nach einem Parkplatz. Als ich vor dem Auto überquerte, zog er nach vorn, glücklich lächelnd wieder über seine linke Schulter in some random faszinierende Bit (ein Schild mit einer interessanten Schrift, ein neues Gerüst, ein Abendessen, dass er kann oder auch nicht am Wochenende gegessen haben nachdem er das College), und pflügte in mich hinein. Die Auswirkungen, die zwar nicht wundersam genug, um Körper 12 Wege, ausreichend war, um mich von der Seite springen auf die Motorhaube zu brechen, Beine winken in der Luft wie Antennen, warf Rock irgendwo um die Ohren.

Für eine ganze Sekunde, stand New York City stocksteif stehen und sah auf meine Unterwäsche.

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Im Nachhinein war es eine gute Frage, eine Frage, ich habe mich von Altar gebeten zu präsentieren, die beide unablässig und gelegentlich. Was mache ich hier eigentlich?

Versteht mich nicht falsch: Ich möchte nicht, konnte nicht verunglimpfen meine Ehe (nicht in einem Zug, nicht in der regen, nicht in ein Haus, nicht mit einer Maus). Nach 192 Monate, Will und ich bleiben, wenn nicht glücklich verheiratet, dann stetig so. Unsere Ehe Staat Indiana, sagen wir, oder Connecticut - einige rote Stellen, mehr blau. Weniger als Glückseligkeit, besser als Katastrophe. Wir sind wohl zu meinem breiten Palette von ish Referenz Everycouple.

Auch Will der Very Bad Man, dass ich ihn gemacht out zu sein. Vielmehr, wie jeder andere männliche Ich weiß, er ist nur ein mäßig Bad Man, die Art von Mann, der sein longboat Größe Schuhen verlassen werden direkt in den Fluss unserer Heimat den Datenverkehr so, dass ich eines Tages darüber stolpern, brechen werde mein Hals und sterben, nach dem er werde nach Hause gehen aus dem Leichenschauhaus, trauernde, seine Schuhe auszuziehen mit schwerem Herzen, und lassen sie in der Mitte des Raumes, bis sie die Haushälterin zu töten. Everyman.

Doch unter dem thumpingly gewöhnlichen Natur unserer Ehe - Everymarriage - läuft die stille Chyron der Scheidung. Es ist der Scharlach-Konzept, das eng gehaltene Betrachtung fast jede Frau weiß ich, wer Kinder hat, die aus den Windeln sind für mindestens zwei Jahre und einen Mann, der nicht in ihnen werden für weitere 30 gewesen. Es ist das Geheimnis Träumerei von einer demographischen frei diskutiert postpartale Depression, Essstörungen, und Ambien Abhängigkeit (oft alle im selben Satz) mit der Ebene der Offenheit der goldbraunen Toast. In einer let-it-all-hang-out Kultur, das ist das da bleibt versteckt in.

Dies ist die Mid-Wife Crisis.

Wohlgemerkt, wenn ich Mid-Wife Crisis sage, meine ich die middle-of-verheiratet-life Art, nicht die Art, wo Sie nach Yale gehen lernen, wie man legal schwingen eine Geburt Stuhl. Als eine Freundin bemerkte, es ist das Zeitalter der Wut - über einen Zeitraum von hohen Reiz, dass etwa 1-2 Jahrzehnte dauert. Als mir ein Kollege per E-Mail, es ist der schwelende Schattenseite des Ressentiments, die 600-Pfund-Mücke in den Raum. Auf einer Stelle, wo wir dachten, wir sollten ein Mindestmaß an Sicherheit ausgegraben haben, sind wir in den Clash drehen. Wenn ich gehe wird es Ärger geben? Wenn ich bleibe wird es doppelt? Soll ich bleiben oder soll ich gehen? Sechs Beziehung Entscheidungen, die wir für Sie gemacht haben

Unsere Mütter wusste besser als auf solche Fragen nachdenken, zumindest nicht laut vor Gott und den Friseur. Sie absichtlich gewartet, um das Fass zum Überlaufen zu erreichen, bis ihre Kinder erwachsen waren und das Haus wurde bezahlt. Bei 25 waren sie Damen mit Damenkleidung und Dame Frisuren - bona fide Erwachsene, die Astronauten die Frauen. Mit 40 wurden sie Reliquien.

Aber wir, die wir mit unseren 21. Jahrhunderts Zugang zu Jugendlichen in einem strahlend Mason jar mit einem pinked Quadrat gingham erfasst Gummi-banded over the top, wir sind immer noch optisch erträglich, wenn nicht gar unwiderstehlich, wenn wir 30 oder 35 oder 40 bist. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Modemagazine - was ich andächtig zu tun - auch 50 - und 60-Jährigen (lecken Finger berühren, um imaginäre Fläche, um brutzeln Rauschen) ziemlich heiß Tickets.

Wir sind auch Tickets mit Arbeitsplätzen und Einkommen. Wenn wir nun Schiff springen, wir sind immer noch attraktive Perspektiven, die eine weitere Chance auf Glück haben kann. Es ist nur, dass tricky wicket festzustellen, ob ewigen Trost in der bewährten und wahr ist oder ob die unversucht wird wahrer sein wohnt.

Unsere Mütter, so alt zu jung, glaubte, dass die Ehe die beste sie bekommen konnte, war. Wir, die Kinder von Müttern, die (oder waren für nicht Ansiedlung bestraft) angesiedelt, frage mich: Ist das so gut wie es geht?

Unsere Mütter fürchten, allein gelassen. Wir sehnen Zeit allein. Allein Zeit ist die neue Heroin. Sie haben eine harte Zeit allein zu sein?

Friday, July 22, 2011

The government rules out further attempts to repeal Expiry

The executive branch "will not take any initiative as to repeal the amnesty law," said Secretary of the Presidency, Alberto Breccia.

The governor said that if there are other proposals from other areas aimed at repealing the law will be examined "seriously" and will require them to "the broadest political consensus", was quoted by the website of the Presidency.

The secretariat of President meets regularly with the Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Foreign Minister and representatives of the defense portfolio to achieve full compliance with implementing the ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

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It is recalled that the agency ruled against Uruguay in the case Gelman and noted, among other things, that it was wrong to keep the Amnesty Law in force, since it is not adapted to the international treaties signed by the country.

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Breccia remembered today, like what the ruling said, the amnesty law, should not mean an "obstacle" to carry out investigations in cases of human rights violations during the dictatorship.

The Executive passed a resolution weeks ago annulled and revoked on grounds of manifest illegality, all administrative acts that file causes were considered to be covered by the Shelf.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Children of divorce often feel guilty

Bochum (dpa / tmn) - In a divorce of parents looking for children often blame themselves. Parents should therefore always tell them that they are not at fault, advises the Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

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When it comes to divorce, mother and father should not wait too long to inform the children. Often parents do that is very late to save the little ones suffering. Due to the uncertain situation, the confusion of children, however, is rather larger. Also, they lack the opportunities to make demands. They should also explain to them that they are not to blame them.

Suzuki VW threatens to divorce

Suzuki is the first half-year alliance with Volkswagen questioned. If necessary, will be the Japanese car maker looking for another partner, said the most responsible for relations with VW managers Yasuhito Harayama Monday. "We think that we again have to go back to zero - even in terms of ownership." He accused VW of endangering the independence of the family-run company. The Wolfsburg-based group had been involved in end 2009 with 20 percent of the small-car specialist. Suzuki bought only a small number of VW shares

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The threats of the top Japanese manager mark a low point in relations between Volkswagen and Suzuki. The disagreement also slows down the ambitions of VW patriarch Ferdinand Piech, to expand the group ahead of Toyota's largest car manufacturer in the world. For this he needs the expertise of Suzuki to build better small cars: Here is the Suzuki Maruti brand leader in the growing country of India - a largely untapped region for VW. The Japanese partners will benefit in turn from the German drive technology.
Joint projects have so far been made, however. The Japanese balk because they fear for their independence. CEO Osamu Suzuki had in recent months repeatedly criticized publicly for an impending dominance of VW.
One indication of this looks Harayama annual report of the German, in which the involvement of Suzuki is consolidated. In the opinion of the manager is considered by Suzuki as a company, the Volkswagen can make an impact financially and operationally. "Until this is resolved, the talks are not progressing," said Harayama.

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Fiat or Nissan instead of VW
At VW, it was said that under German law must balance the Suzuki part be accounted for. There was talk of a cultural misunderstanding. At the same time tried a company spokesman in an easing of the relationship: "Volkswagen and Suzuki are and will remain independent companies." In the future, the trust must be developed.
Harayama left open whether this is possible. As an example for other possible alliances, he cited the partnership with Fiat. It was extended until the end of June. The Italian manufacturer supplies diesel engines to the Japanese. Even with domestic rival Nissan, Suzuki is allied.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

From the U.S., explores the traveler receives 100,000

Santiago, May 20, 2011 .- This May 15, after 18 years of stories and deep scans, scans the traveler number was 100,000. Therefore decided to commemorate this milestone explores with benefits for all travelers who decide to visit their hotels in Atacama, Patagonia Rapa Nui. Those who book four nights between June 1 and September 30 will receive a complimentary extra night. The lucky traveler 100,000 was Lindsay Bush, from New York. Arriving on Sunday at explora en Atacama was welcomed with a special pack explores amenities, including special examinations and a special massage among others.

In 1993, explores opened first with the Hotel Salto Chico in Patagonia. Since then they have been pioneers in the deep exploration of remote locations based on their hotels explora en Atacama, Hotel Salto Chico in Patagonia and Posada de Mike Rapu on Easter Island. Cruise inaugurated in 2005, nomads travel for several days running through remote parts of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.

Chilean Pianist important part in French festival
France, May 20, 2011 .- The Chilean pianist living in France, Roberto Scherson perform at the festival "Les Reims flânneries music" to be held in France from June 17 to July 27 in the city of Reims (region Champagne).

On this occasion, the interpreter runs (1st July) the third concerto for piano and orchestra by Sergei Rachmaninov with the National Orchestra of Minsk, Belarus, under the direction of Russian director Alexander Anissimov.

Concert No. 3 for piano and orchestra by Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) commonly called "Rach 3" was immortalized by the film "Shine" (1996) and is considered the most difficult repertoire (it was rated "concert elephant" by pianist Arthur Rubinstein).

Huidobro would be in the top screenwriters in Latin America

USACH, May 18, 2011 .- Vicente Huidobro, modernization is the poet and lawyer, who managed to combine the descriptive techniques of cinema and into his writing. This work is reflected in an archive of chronic discovered by Dr. Valeria de los Rios in Fundación Vicente Huidobro. Thus, recognizing the importance of film for his role as poet and writer, is he who embodies the fascination with the cinema in his work marked a generation of authors.
The use of film writing is now a very common use among writers and film techniques that are part of the literary strategies. However, this influence has its origins in Vicente Huidobro, who was one of the pioneers in Latin America to cross the boundary between literature and film.

"Vicente Huidobro and film: writing off the lights and shadows of modernity" is the article published in January 2011 by the indexed journal of the University of Pennsylvania, "Hispanic Review." The text, based on research conducted by Dr. Valeria de los Rios, an academic at the Faculty of Humanities Usach between 2008 and 2009, highlights the relationship of the great poet and storyteller with film.

The relationship between literature and the visual is a topic of growing interest to academics, and the study of Dr. Los Rios can see how it begins to emerge a new form of writing from Huidobro, who, according of the expert, "instead of making a film, capturing all his passion for cinema in the literature and see how their narrative appropriates the film and thereby renewing the writing." This is one of the main conclusions reached in the context of their research.

The chronicles were written during the 30's, a period of social and cultural changes that start with the First World War. These changes provoked a strong controversy for the author, who was characterized as a modern and innovative person, but in turn had a strong appreciation of literature and especially poetry.

It is in this context that the arrival of cinema to literature generated great questions for the author. "Huidobro has apprehensions of modernity, for it ranks different types of gear being the most important literature and where the film should become as literature. Thus, it protects the essentials of literary art, "notes the researcher Valeria de los Rios, stressing that this great writer, film has to aspire to be poetry, because poetry is the highest level that any expression can art.

The expert Usach accurate, finally, is the work "Cagliostro", where Huidobro plasma techniques taken from film and incorporates them into writing. The novel was originally written for a film script for a silent film, but could not take place because just at that time joined the sound in this medium. In this way, "Cagliostro" was adapted to the novel format, incorporating the technical characteristics of the film. Published in 1934, achieved a major renovation of the literary language.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The situation in Belarus with the contributions of stabilized

National Bank of Belarus announced the stabilization of the situation in June to bank deposits of citizens in the national currency, which declined in March against the background of the scale for a dozen years of financial crisis.

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The Belarusian state guarantees to individuals hundred percent guarantee on savings bank deposits, regardless of the amount and currency.
At the beginning of July, deposits in Belarusian rubles increased by almost 10% and reached 10.1 trillion. Foreign currency deposits continued to decline and fell by 240 million to $ 3.5 billion, reports Reuters.

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"The tendency for them (foreign currency deposits) reduction continued in June, although in the third week of the month the situation has stabilized ... So, if foreign currency deposits in May dropped to the equivalent of 469 million dollars in June to 240 million dollars", - says the report of the National Bank.
"According to preliminary information, time deposits continued to grow in the first ten days of July" - said the National Bank without giving reason.
Belarus is going through financial crisis in late May, devalued the ruble by 36%, resulting in a sharp surge in inflation, which reached 25% in five months.
In June of Belarus received the first tranche of the credit crisis fund controlled by Russia of the EurAsEC for $ 800 million and expects another $ 440 million by year's end.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Africa wins the German economy

Africa wins the German economy in importance. Asked the continent is mainly because of its mineral wealth. China has long been recognized and shall invite DIHK chief Wansleben to n-tv on the federal government to "enforce German commodity interests" during their trip to Africa.

The German Industry and Commerce (DIHK) expects the trip to Africa of the German Federal Chancellor, the strict enforcement of commodity interests. "The question of raw materials can not be clarified with a visit. But I believe that it is very important that we make clear in Africa that we know how important Africa is to our common future," said the GCIC chief executive Martin Wansleben n-tv. "Gold, diamonds, oil, gas, rare earth - are basically all the resources that we desperately need," he said. "We depend on it."

"It hurt exclusive contracts in favor of African governments not only Chinese partner of the German economy," said Wansleben also the "passers Neue Presse". Such agreements would lead to the strong dependence of states of a single buyer who can then dictate the terms. A benefit for the local population was guaranteed only through responsible investors. "German companies in Africa, it also tells a reputation for quality to combine with high environmental and social standards," said GCIC CEO.

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Competition is increasing

Wansleben is sure "that the German Federal Government has formulated a good strategy for Africa". In addition, she was "in a convenient time possible." The competitive situation in our neighboring continent rapidly gains momentum, said Wansleben the Journal. Not only Asians, but also Russia, Brazil and Australia would push for the African market. "At the same time, demand for technology" Made in Germany 'on the part of African partners. "

Chancellor Angela Merkel began on Monday, the second major trip to Africa of her reign. The focus of the talks in Kenya, Angola and Nigeria are economic issues, particularly energy issues. They wanted to deepen its energy partnership with the oil country of Nigeria, the Chancellor announced in advance of travel. In Kenya, she wanted to talk about the increased use of renewable energies. And with the resource-rich Angola closer cooperation in energy and commodities will also be sought.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Air New Zealand seeks new airline alliance

The New Zealand carrier Air New Zealand and its Australian rival Virgin Blue will join forces in a Trans-Tasman alliance. At stake in the alliance it comes together to work closely to offer customers lower prices, more flights and better terms, it means Air New Zealand. Through the alliance could better compete with Air NZ, Qantas, the flights between New Zealand and Australia with the low-cost subsidiary, Jet Star offering. Both airlines would share their services with each other excessively, but there are no cross shareholdings provided.

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New Zealand's economy depends heavily on overseas trade and is not subsidized, deregulated economy.

Australia and the United States is currently still the largest trading partner for New Zealand. The Asian countries are becoming increasingly important for exports and is expected to soon become the largest trading partner.

Export cargoes:

Export products are used inter alia from agriculture (milk, butter, cheese), the cattle and sheep (wool). Seafood and fruit are also exported.

The wine region is often highly developed and will be further intensified.

The fisheries sector is growing in importance.

Import cargoes:

Mechanical devices, cars and accessories, electrical equipment, mineral oil, and textiles have to be mostly imported.

New Zealand receives more income from mineral resources (natural gas, coal, iron sand, steel) and tourism.


New Zealand is one of the leading agricultural states in the world. A third of Landesoberflaeche is used as pasture land. Another third are marginal areas, which are used to livestock or farmed forests.

New Zealand has thermal and geothermal power plants -> hydro

Americans distrust Obama's economic policies

Top advisor to the president resigns

Washington - Sluggish economic recovery and rising budget deficits to doubt the Americans on the economic policies of President Barack Obama. In a survey released Tuesday by the Washington Post and ABC News put out 59 percent of those interviewed Obama for his handling of the economic crisis bad grades. Thus, the value reached a new peak, a month before the rejection was still at 55 percent. The election of Obama in 2012 according to experts strongly depends on whether he can convince voters of the success of his economic measures.

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The survey shows growing concern over the recovery of the U.S. economy in the face of high gasoline prices, falling property values ​​and high unemployment: 89 percent said the U.S. economy is in poor condition, 57 percent are convinced that the recovery had not yet begun, and 66 percent believe the U.S. has taken the wrong way. In May, the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had the reputation of Obama's significantly improved.

Tuesday was also known that Obama's chief economic advisor takes his hat. Austan Goolsbee wants to continue to pay back all the teaching. For Obama, the resignation of the professor is as bitter loss. Goolsbee was only in September to the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers have been appointed to the White House. The Republicans evaluated the departure as evidence of the weakness of Obama. "This is further evidence that the president has no answers for the Americans, who worry about the economy," let them know. (DER STANDARD, print edition, 08/06/2011)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Police beats upset customers

Before the biggest Afghan private bank, have the Kabul Bank, also formed long queues of people today. Witnesses said the police put batons against individual persons, in order to keep the situation under control.

Kabul Bank

Security forces have to guard the Kabul Bank.
Many savers worried about their deposits came just before the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan and the beginning of the then three-day holiday rest, to withdraw money, but some also have to resolve their accounts. The Reuters news agency quoted one of the applied banking customers with the words: ". We need money for clothes, food and sweets, the owner of the bank had promised us to open any branches that was a lie.." Another was threatened with violence: "If they do not listen to us, we are all branches of the bank loot Kabul." Up to 200 people are in front of the Central Bank have held up.

The central bank froze the assets of large shareholders. Previously, two top managers had been forced to resign the bench. An examination of the processes running. According to media reports the bank managers are accused of corruption.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Opposition wants to call Abilio and the presidents of BNDES and Cade fusion Sugarloaf-Carrefour

Brasilia and Rio - The PSDB filed on Monday, with the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Senate (CAE), call for the authorities involved in the merger Sugarloaf-Carrefour in Brazil to attend the Senate to give explanations about the business. The request is for the attendance of the presidents of BNDES, Luciano Coutinho, the Council for Economic Defense (Cade), Fernando Furlan, and the Board of Grupo Pão de Açúcar, Abilio Diniz, and the economist and former president of BNDES Luiz Carlos Mendonça de Barros.

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In justification of the request, the leader of the PSDB in the Senate, Alvaro Dias (PR), noted that the information is that the merger will create "a giant company with 32% of Australian supermarket retailing" and that BNDESPar would have already committed resources to give the amount of R $ 3.9 billion, 85% is necessary for the operation, becoming a partner with a share of 18% of the new company that will emerge from the merger. BNDES says it is still studying the operation and that any will come out only if all shareholders agree with the business.
"Therefore, this application seeks to clarify relevant issues that permeate the business, for example, the consequences of the merger for Brazilian consumers and the presence of BNDES in the operation," he said Alvaro Dias.
In the House, PSDB and DEM announced that submission of applications for the same purpose. On Thursday of last week, the leader of the DEM in the House, Rep. ACM Neto (BA) announced it would present request, including the minister of Development, Fernando Pimentel, of which BNDES is subordinate.
Senator Richard Ferraço (PMDB-ES) is also proposing the CAE. But no application shall be voted at the meeting of CAE on Tuesday, according to estimates from the committee chairman, Senator Delcídio Amaral (PT-MS).
The government leader in the Senate, Romero Juca (PMDB-RR), said it would talk to the Presidential Palace to see the strategy in the face of calls, but sees no problem in giving explanations authorities.
- It is a market operation and will only be made if the agreement of all. There is nothing to hide - Juca said.
The meeting between President Casino (member of Diniz Sugar Loaf), Jean-Charles Naouri, Luciano Coutinho, and is scheduled for today at 19h in the bank's headquarters in Rio The French executive tries to explain his point of view about the Melting Sugar Loaf with Carrefour and strengthen with Brazilian authorities who believe and trust in law enforcement.
The board of directors of the French company Carrefour has approved the merger with the group the Sugar Loaf. Meanwhile, the Casino, a member of Abilio Diniz Brazilian network, said it filed against the businessman new request for arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce, filed last Friday.

For the prediction of Carrefour, the transaction must be consolidated on 1 January 2013. Casino said in a statement that the support of the Carrefour network may imply accountability "and members of its board for accepting, despite repeated warnings, a hostile transaction, the result of illegal dealings."
Casino said it is seeking to ensure that a shareholder pact between the French network and Diniz, signed in 2006, is respected. The two sides have stakes of 50% holding in Wilkes, who has two thirds of the voting group in the Sugar Loaf. The casino is trying to prevent an attempt by French rival Carrefour to merge its Brazilian operation to the Sugar Loaf.
"Casino reaffirms its commitment to the Pao de Acucar group, as well as their trust in management," said the French network in a statement.
In a series of interviews in Brazil last week, Diniz said he did not violated the shareholders' agreement it has with the casino through the holding Wilkes and who came to inform the President Casino on the idea of ​​merger with Carrefour.
The proposed merger of Sugar Loaf with Carrefour in Brazil was made last week and raised conflicts and exchange of accusations between the two partners of the network-controlling Brazilian retail. For business to be conducted, Abilio need to seek the approval of the casino executives on the board. After that, you must also get approval on the board of BNDES for the investment of capital.
The Casino was against the deal in several statements last week, calling it "illegal transaction".
If carried out the merger after a series of corporate transactions, the French headquarters of Carrefour have a 50% stake in Pao de Acucar and Carrefour's current shareholders would share the remaining fraction. At the same time, the shareholders of the Brazilian company would gain share of 11.7% in Carrefour of France.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The euro crisis can be extended to other countries

The agreement between Paris and Berlin on the participation of private creditors in financial aid for Greece does not end the discussion about the condition of the euro. How real is the threat to other economies?

The share of private creditors in the aid package for Greece could lead to the fact that rating agencies consider a country to be insolvent, said Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker, told the German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung". Politician warns against entering the euro crisis countries such as Belgium and Italy.

Junker's statement is a response to recent decisions of the Berlin-Paris line. During Friday's meeting in Berlin (17.05) Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy załagodzili differences in approach to the exit strategy from the crisis in Greece and agreed that the private creditors participated in the struggle with the crisis of the euro only on a voluntary basis.

Today's problems with the euro may have unimaginable consequences for other members of the monetary union. "Fizzle Greece may cause problems in Portugal and Ireland (...) as well as Belgium and Italy" - warns on Junker.

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And indeed - Moody's intends to reduce the rate of credit to Italy. The present note, "Aa2" is unrealistic, the agency announced on Friday evening (18.06) ("Aa2" is the third in the order, the best score of Moody's - ed.). Agency justifies its intentions structural problems of Italian economy, which inhibit the growth of the economy.

And this for years is not a strong point of the Italians. This is the second in the European Union after Greece's economy with the highest level of debt. Currently, debt is 120 percent of GDP. For monetary członkówunii ratio should not exceed 60 percent. In the case of crisis, the third largest national economy Eurostrefy - its costs would be unbearable.

IMF: Greece threatens global economy

According to IMF estimates, a huge debt of Greece may threaten the global economy. As presented in Washington last Friday (17.06) forecast, the IMF notes the growing concern of investors, which has caused problems, the Greek government with the implementation of the necessary procedures to prevent the bankruptcy of the state. "We all knew that recovering from the crisis will require painful changes" - said the IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard. In his view, the Greek government has to convince the parliament and the citizens that there is practically no alternative. "

You probably need to Athens, next to the currently required 110 billion, another 120 billion. Mutual benefit is there to be subject to restrictions stricter budgetary discipline. Germany guarantees at least one-fifth of each aid package.

On Sunday and Monday the finance ministers of countries of the monetary union will discuss the details. The nearest peak of prime ministers and heads of state of the European Union on Thursday and Friday in Brussels.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

De Narvaez Scolia "If Cristina leaves, I invite you to a debate"

(DYN) - A candidate for governor of Buenos Aires by Union for Social Development (UDESA), Francisco de Narvaez, the president today challenged provincial, Daniel Scioli, to "give a debate" in view of the forthcoming elections, although he quipped, "if the President leaves. "
"Governor Scioli, the hour of truth, I invite you to a debate, I just hope that Mrs. President given permission to come," said De Narvaez, under Cristina Kirchner.


De Narvaez said that "the province of Buenos Aires is the mother of all battles" from the city of Mar del Plata, where he shared an act with the party candidate for president Ricardo Alfonsin.
"The next choice is between Scioli and De Narvaez in the Province, is between Cristina and Ricardo Alfonsin in the nation, and is among the past or the future," said the candidate.
De Narvaez said the 14th of August, when the primaries, "will be clear that Ricardo Alfonsin will become the next president of all Argentines."
"From the first minute you take as governor, criminals and the corrupt will be in trouble. Going back to the security and rule of law in the province," promised De Narvaez.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Government approves increase to 960 euros salary mortgage debt is not attachable

The First Deputy Prime Minister, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, told the Cabinet that the Government has approved a decree law to increase from 642 to 960 euros the salary is not attachable by mortgage debt, one of the resolutions adopted in the debate on the state the nation. This minimum increases to 1,350 euros if they have two dependent children. In the case of households where there is a pensioner, the limit goes up to 1539 unattachable euros.

Thus, the amount that may be arrested will be at the minimum wage (641 euros) plus a 50 per cent, which will add another 30 percent for each family member that has no regular income of their own, for what two people in that situation no attachable salary would be at the 1,350 euros.

Rubalcaba also announced that the minimum amounts that may be awarded the auctioned property from 50% to 60% of appraisal. Also lowered from 30% to 20% advance deposit required to participate in an auction and thus facilitate the presence of more bidders.

The aim is, as explained Rubalcaba, prevent auctioned property prices "fall and fall," with consequent damage to the homeowner, to be even more money to the lender.

Thus, the government wants to "ensure that the auction of the mortgaged property will not result in abusive situations or the underselling of good."

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Credit Millionaire SMEs with outstanding debts to municipalities
Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) will pay up to 3,400 million to SMEs who have outstanding debts to municipalities, which will be discounted bills to pay agency revenue has conducted annually by the State to local government . The mechanism is that the suppliers of the government, and especially SMEs with fewer than 250 employees can receive an immediate way through the ICO pay a very important part of the debts that they hold the local authorities.

Yes there was the national anthem, but cadets are not honored

Music Unit of the Infantry Academy in Toledo yesterday sang the national anthem at the exit of the Custody of the Cathedral Arfe and cadets not honored the passing of religious procession, nor did last year.

Military Honors Regulation, which entered into force in May last year, omitted to pay the Blessed weapons, although it is interpreted, explained the mayor of Toledo, Emiliano García-Page, the band played the national anthem in Corpus last year made the municipal band of Toledo.

Thus, the sixty cadets were at the doors of the Cathedral heard the national anthem at attention and only the head of training greeted with "the sword held high," Efe reported.

The new regulation is stated that when approving commissions, guards or pickets to attend religious celebrations with traditional military participation will be respected religious freedom and, therefore, the attendance and participation in acts voluntarily. Also makes no mention of the surrender of honors the Blessed Sacrament, which itself specified the previous regulation.

Reporters asked the president of the Congress of Deputies by this controversy. Jose Bono said that seemed "good" that the Music Unit of the Infantry School has touched the national anthem this year. "Can you imagine that the band play the anthem of France?" He added humorously. "While we have a band play the national anthem, do not worry," said José Bono. Feedback, Survey, Pulse

He was asked if he considered opotunidad the Minister of Justice again to participate in the procession, after which in 1981 was vetoed by the archbishop of Toledo, Marcelo Gonzalez, after the adoption of the Law of Divorce. "Anyone who thinks that divorce is something of moral relevance is not in these times," said Bono. The Congress president said that divorce is part of the "landscape" and the procession of Corpus parade itself divorced "because there is a gogo divorced people in Toledo and Spain", Europa Press reported. "So who will be Queen of Spain is a woman divorced, it also looks like its people," he added