The EPA produces a decrease in the number of 76,500 persons unemployed in the second quarter, leaving the total at 4.8 million. -The figure represents a turnaround, but the improvement fell short of expectations
The strike took its first breath in almost a year, although the result is so warm to certify that a true turnaround. Unemployment fell by 76,500 people in the second quarter, the strongest decrease since the crisis began. With this decline, the unemployment rate remains at 20.89% of the workforce, only four tenths below the record set at the start of the year. These developments allowed more than the dreaded ward barrier of five million unemployed (now 4.8).
Employment has also taken off sheepishly. The second quarter is conducive to economic activity by the start of the tourist season, involved the creation of 151,000 net jobs, according to data from the Labour Force Survey ActivaEncuesta Force (EPA), the most faithful portrait of the labor market in Spain . The figure is almost double the new jobs created in the second quarter of last year and stands at 18.3 million the number of employed.
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Despite these advances quarterly, the figures in both unemployment and employment, continues to be more negative than a year ago. And despite the fact that then the economy began to slow down the path of decline that had accumulated for six consecutive quarters. Several experts had predicted that between January and June there would be the first year of employment generation since the crisis started. This has not happened, which reveals the weak foundation on which sits even the labor market. If forecasts are met by the Government, this change in trend is already occurring in the third quarter, although the data will not be known until late October.
By sector, the services remain the main driver of employment, which increased its number of employees in 220,200. A lot of distance, also created jobs in the industry with 36,900. By contrast, the construction ended the second quarter with 63,700 fewer employed and Agriculture, with 42,000 fewer workers.
As for the quality of jobs created, the new 171,600 employees, 14,800 signed a permanent contract, a meager rise in percentage of 0.13% compared to March but its biggest gain in absolute terms since early 2009. Nevertheless, over the same quarter of 2010, there are 152,000 fewer permanent employees, equivalent to a decrease of 1.31%.
Also, the temporary contract remains the most widespread with 156,800 new workers who have taken this form, 91.3% of the total. For this reason, the temporary employment rate rose to 25.52%, which is 75 / 100 more than in the previous quarter despite a year now marks the start of labor reform, precisely, between his reduce this excessive immediate objectives of the Spanish labor market duality.
What does not vary is the volume of people with part-time work, which remains at 14.14% after posting 21,600 new contracts of this kind between April and June.
Regarding the impact of the crisis in the most disadvantaged, the youth unemployment rate has reached a new record since the last crisis (first quarter of 2004) to exceed 46%. In addition, the number of households with all active members unemployed has dropped in the second quarter at 18,500 up to 1,367,500. In parallel, the number of households in which all assets are held in increased 95,000, to 9,161,100. However, here too the comparison data continues to show negative year as households in which no increases in 59,200 occupied and of those who have occupied all of its assets decreased by 14,400.
The importance of the tourist season is reflected in the analysis by EPA communities, considered the best barometer of the labor market over the registered unemployment data published by the Ministry of Labour. Thus, the major advancement in employment were recorded in the Mediterranean and in the regions where the sun and sand industry has more weight: Baleares (53,500 workers), Catalonia (36,000) and Valencia (22,000). The largest falls, however, observed in Andalusia (24 900) and the Basque Country (9600).
Canary Islands tourist season which starts earlier than the rest, has the highest positive change in employment in the last 12 months with 23,900 more employed. The largest falls occurring in Andalusia (81 300 fewer jobs) and Murcia (24,000).
South America News
The strike took its first breath in almost a year, although the result is so warm to certify that a true turnaround. Unemployment fell by 76,500 people in the second quarter, the strongest decrease since the crisis began. With this decline, the unemployment rate remains at 20.89% of the workforce, only four tenths below the record set at the start of the year. These developments allowed more than the dreaded ward barrier of five million unemployed (now 4.8).
Employment has also taken off sheepishly. The second quarter is conducive to economic activity by the start of the tourist season, involved the creation of 151,000 net jobs, according to data from the Labour Force Survey ActivaEncuesta Force (EPA), the most faithful portrait of the labor market in Spain . The figure is almost double the new jobs created in the second quarter of last year and stands at 18.3 million the number of employed.
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Despite these advances quarterly, the figures in both unemployment and employment, continues to be more negative than a year ago. And despite the fact that then the economy began to slow down the path of decline that had accumulated for six consecutive quarters. Several experts had predicted that between January and June there would be the first year of employment generation since the crisis started. This has not happened, which reveals the weak foundation on which sits even the labor market. If forecasts are met by the Government, this change in trend is already occurring in the third quarter, although the data will not be known until late October.
By sector, the services remain the main driver of employment, which increased its number of employees in 220,200. A lot of distance, also created jobs in the industry with 36,900. By contrast, the construction ended the second quarter with 63,700 fewer employed and Agriculture, with 42,000 fewer workers.
As for the quality of jobs created, the new 171,600 employees, 14,800 signed a permanent contract, a meager rise in percentage of 0.13% compared to March but its biggest gain in absolute terms since early 2009. Nevertheless, over the same quarter of 2010, there are 152,000 fewer permanent employees, equivalent to a decrease of 1.31%.
Also, the temporary contract remains the most widespread with 156,800 new workers who have taken this form, 91.3% of the total. For this reason, the temporary employment rate rose to 25.52%, which is 75 / 100 more than in the previous quarter despite a year now marks the start of labor reform, precisely, between his reduce this excessive immediate objectives of the Spanish labor market duality.
What does not vary is the volume of people with part-time work, which remains at 14.14% after posting 21,600 new contracts of this kind between April and June.
Regarding the impact of the crisis in the most disadvantaged, the youth unemployment rate has reached a new record since the last crisis (first quarter of 2004) to exceed 46%. In addition, the number of households with all active members unemployed has dropped in the second quarter at 18,500 up to 1,367,500. In parallel, the number of households in which all assets are held in increased 95,000, to 9,161,100. However, here too the comparison data continues to show negative year as households in which no increases in 59,200 occupied and of those who have occupied all of its assets decreased by 14,400.
The importance of the tourist season is reflected in the analysis by EPA communities, considered the best barometer of the labor market over the registered unemployment data published by the Ministry of Labour. Thus, the major advancement in employment were recorded in the Mediterranean and in the regions where the sun and sand industry has more weight: Baleares (53,500 workers), Catalonia (36,000) and Valencia (22,000). The largest falls, however, observed in Andalusia (24 900) and the Basque Country (9600).
Canary Islands tourist season which starts earlier than the rest, has the highest positive change in employment in the last 12 months with 23,900 more employed. The largest falls occurring in Andalusia (81 300 fewer jobs) and Murcia (24,000).
South America News