Santiago, May 20, 2011 .- This May 15, after 18 years of stories and deep scans, scans the traveler number was 100,000. Therefore decided to commemorate this milestone explores with benefits for all travelers who decide to visit their hotels in Atacama, Patagonia Rapa Nui. Those who book four nights between June 1 and September 30 will receive a complimentary extra night. The lucky traveler 100,000 was Lindsay Bush, from New York. Arriving on Sunday at explora en Atacama was welcomed with a special pack explores amenities, including special examinations and a special massage among others.
In 1993, explores opened first with the Hotel Salto Chico in Patagonia. Since then they have been pioneers in the deep exploration of remote locations based on their hotels explora en Atacama, Hotel Salto Chico in Patagonia and Posada de Mike Rapu on Easter Island. Cruise inaugurated in 2005, nomads travel for several days running through remote parts of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.
Chilean Pianist important part in French festival
France, May 20, 2011 .- The Chilean pianist living in France, Roberto Scherson perform at the festival "Les Reims flânneries music" to be held in France from June 17 to July 27 in the city of Reims (region Champagne).
On this occasion, the interpreter runs (1st July) the third concerto for piano and orchestra by Sergei Rachmaninov with the National Orchestra of Minsk, Belarus, under the direction of Russian director Alexander Anissimov.
Concert No. 3 for piano and orchestra by Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) commonly called "Rach 3" was immortalized by the film "Shine" (1996) and is considered the most difficult repertoire (it was rated "concert elephant" by pianist Arthur Rubinstein).
Huidobro would be in the top screenwriters in Latin America
USACH, May 18, 2011 .- Vicente Huidobro, modernization is the poet and lawyer, who managed to combine the descriptive techniques of cinema and into his writing. This work is reflected in an archive of chronic discovered by Dr. Valeria de los Rios in Fundación Vicente Huidobro. Thus, recognizing the importance of film for his role as poet and writer, is he who embodies the fascination with the cinema in his work marked a generation of authors.
The use of film writing is now a very common use among writers and film techniques that are part of the literary strategies. However, this influence has its origins in Vicente Huidobro, who was one of the pioneers in Latin America to cross the boundary between literature and film.
"Vicente Huidobro and film: writing off the lights and shadows of modernity" is the article published in January 2011 by the indexed journal of the University of Pennsylvania, "Hispanic Review." The text, based on research conducted by Dr. Valeria de los Rios, an academic at the Faculty of Humanities Usach between 2008 and 2009, highlights the relationship of the great poet and storyteller with film.
The relationship between literature and the visual is a topic of growing interest to academics, and the study of Dr. Los Rios can see how it begins to emerge a new form of writing from Huidobro, who, according of the expert, "instead of making a film, capturing all his passion for cinema in the literature and see how their narrative appropriates the film and thereby renewing the writing." This is one of the main conclusions reached in the context of their research.
The chronicles were written during the 30's, a period of social and cultural changes that start with the First World War. These changes provoked a strong controversy for the author, who was characterized as a modern and innovative person, but in turn had a strong appreciation of literature and especially poetry.
It is in this context that the arrival of cinema to literature generated great questions for the author. "Huidobro has apprehensions of modernity, for it ranks different types of gear being the most important literature and where the film should become as literature. Thus, it protects the essentials of literary art, "notes the researcher Valeria de los Rios, stressing that this great writer, film has to aspire to be poetry, because poetry is the highest level that any expression can art.
The expert Usach accurate, finally, is the work "Cagliostro", where Huidobro plasma techniques taken from film and incorporates them into writing. The novel was originally written for a film script for a silent film, but could not take place because just at that time joined the sound in this medium. In this way, "Cagliostro" was adapted to the novel format, incorporating the technical characteristics of the film. Published in 1934, achieved a major renovation of the literary language.
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