Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Europe - or less?

Europe course - that's clear. But how much or how little Europe should it be? It currently denies the Union. For CDU-heavyweight and federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is clear: The consequences of the euro crisis can only mean one more in Europe. "Without a limited but targeted further steps towards the deepening of European institutions, we will lose in the long run our European capacity," Schäuble wrote in the "Welt am Sonntag".

Nobody wanted a European super state that would try to transfer only the monopoly control of the outdated nation-state to a larger unit, said Schäuble on. Therefore, a new form of cooperation among states is necessary. At the end of this process, the political union will stand.

Contradiction comes from the CSU

Just do not, it echoes against the finance ministers of the sister party CSU. "Whoever pulls out of the debt crisis to the conclusion that the European centralism are now reinforced, sets out on the completely wrong way," said Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU), the "mirror". The growing Euro-skepticism could be "not met by the fact that the people elected by national parliaments and governments are still more disempowered."

The CSU deputy Georg Nüßlein turned into the magazine directly to the Finance Minister: "When it comes to Schäuble, to realize his dreams of European policy in the crisis, he is no longer just his job."

Support for Merkel and Sarkozy

Schäuble, however, can certainly be weighty backing. Both Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy had recently called for a closer integration of economic and financial policies of the euro countries. Keywords: European economic government.

The SPD parliamentary leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier called the "Rheinische Post" for a common economic and financial policy. "This will not go without permanently changing the contracts." But as this could be more accurate, is open. EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso sees a chance to strengthen Brussels.

Financially for Schäuble at the limit

Schäuble and Chancellor Merkel at the EFSF vote in the Bundestag: An increase of Germany's contribution will not give it, he said.
While Schäuble called for more Europe in response to the current crisis, according to him is a different question, however, reached the limit: there is no more money for debt States. "The European rescue package has a cap of 440 billion euros -... Germany accounts for 211 billion and that it was closing up on the interest that would come on top of it yet," Schäuble said the magazine "Super Illu"

In the so-called European stability mechanism ESM, which will replace the EFSF by 2013, there will be less. Then there were a total of 190 billion, would vouch for Germany, including all interest, said the Minister. The responsibility for Germany was clearly defined and limited. "And we have the stability of the euro zone by the very stringent Stability and Growth Pact have significantly improved."

Countries are increasing the EFSF with

A day after the Bundestag, the Bundesrat also yesterday approved the extension given EFSF. This was the last parliamentary hurdle was taken in Germany. The reform of the bailout package is including the actual total lending capacity increased from 250 to 440 billion euros so far. The German guarantees increase of 123 billion euros to 211 billion €.

Westerwelle urges tighter controls

Meanwhile, the debate continues about the handling of highly indebted countries. Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle called for tighter controls ". Inspection rights and recommendations are not enough countries who want to take in the future, the solidarity of the rescue more in need, in this era of European level allow binding rights of intervention in their budgetary decisions," wrote Westerwelle "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

Steinmeier calls for European Trust Agency

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In the specific case of Greece, pleaded Steinmeier, SPD parliamentary leader for the establishment of a European Trust Agency. This could privatize Greek state assets, he said the "Rheinische Post". "It is not enough, just hang up ever new parachutes. We need to think about new approaches." Was a problem, for example, "that the Greeks have indeed state assets, but right now it could only sell to junk prices," said Steinmeier. An EU Trust could privatize within ten to 15 years Greek state assets.

The CSU MPs and Euro-skeptic Peter Gauweiler other hand holds the withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone is inevitable. "If the Greeks do not sell their want democracy, they must be separated from the euro, at least at the time," he told the "Bild am Sonntag".

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