Monday, April 18, 2011

blogs against blogs and Statistical Counting

A blog is from web log it is a type of website or part of a website where people can continue discussing about the topic. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual or group of people with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video, some are diaries experience like travel blog.

some videos blogs needs more web spaces if they do have thier own vidoes, or if not they could just connect with youtube.

Pictures blogs needs medium size of web space for pictures orelse just a link from imageshack, that site manage photos greatly and are using web 2 for connectivity.

students and teachers usually use blogs for research and comments it is called educational blog. or Some blogs called research blog.

Personal blogs

More on research work, diaries, personal details or even activities goin on like concerts, movies, travels and more.

Corporate and organizational blogs

Company blogs related to their site what they do, related to company activity where blogs plays the role
of advertising the main page.

By genre

More on fashion, life in specific city, culture and music.

One bad consequence of blogging is the possibility of attacks or threats against the blogger/writer, sometimes without apparent reason, just a sort of reaction aginst the blog subject. Kathy Sierra, author of the innocuous blog "Creating Passionate Users", was the target of such vicious threats and misogynistic insults that she canceled her keynote speech at a technology conference in San Diego, fearing for her safety. While a blogger's anonymity is often tenuous, Internet trolls who would attack a blogger with threats or insults can be emboldened by anonymity. Sierra and supporters initiated an online discussion aimed at countering abusive online behavior and developed a blogger's code of conduct. Blog should've to accept terms and condition applied just for personal safety. It’s totally conceivable that a pimped out blog could run as much as $3000 US Dollars or 2091.8706 Eur (usd/eur conversion, usd/eur graph, usd/eur performance) based on standard currency converter, dated: April 18, 2011 rate.


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